Many People Believe When You Die…

Many people believe that when you die your spirit is free and floats around. Now if you believe this then that means a spirit world exists and if it does exist then the existence of God is inevitable because nothing can come about spiritually without something first being there in the first place! So if this is the case then heaven and hell can be real because they are both spiritual worlds!! Now for those who do not believe there is life after death, life should not mean anything to them. The reason for this is because if after we die all we do is die and nothing else exists, life is not actually important then because nothing happens after it. Notice that humans grieve when someone passes away. If there is no life after death, there should be no grief, we should just feel like it’s okay another life has passed away. The thing is as humans we only grieve over things that exist, things that have meaning but if all that happens after we die is nothing or we float around earth, then why are we grieving? Also if life has no real meaning, why do many of us work hard on a daily basis trying to gain security for the future?

You see naturally we live to create something for a future, so there is something within us always working towards a future. Life after death cannot but exist because if it did not exist we would not be so focused in this lifetime about a future as it would not even be important anyway. We are so focused on getting good jobs, living a decent life and having a meaningful life but to be quite honest none of this matters if there is nothing after death! Inevitably as humans we do grieve and in different ways, for different reasons. Some people even get angry at the type of death people die or at the fact that people have died. Again if there is nothing after death or we float around, our feelings of grief is meaningless. The feeling of grief and anger then has to have a reason! Think about it!! The reason cannot be merely because we have lost someone we loved, there has to be a deeper meaning or else we are doing things that are somewhat meaningless.

At His Service.


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