We Are Blessed!

Rom 4:16 Abraham was a man of hope and faith although it did not make sense. To him it made sense because God took His time to meet Abraham and Abraham took his time to meet God. Their fellowship allowed Abraham to lose gradually the part of him that would not allow him to have hope and faith. He became one of hope and faith because he took his time to understand God. He chose to trust God. This is how we must choose to trust and understand God because it is at this place that God's promises begin to overtake our lives. The Lord promised Abraham would be a father to all nations and so anyone within any nation that chooses to also do what Abraham did, taking hope and faith seriously is just like Abraham. He is made of the DNA that Abraham is made of and is qualified for a relationship with God not by blood or law but by Gods undeserved favour. It is undeserved favour to have a relationship with God because imagine being close to the monarchy or leader of your country! Would your life not be sorted! Listen it was not too late for the thief at the cross because he practised this same hope and faith and became qualified for undeserved favour even in his last minute! Cling unto hope and faith and see if you do not meet the same undeserved favour that those in the Bible met!

At His Service!


Hezekiah Invited His Enemies