Nii Ayitey Attoh
As a first year student in the polytechnic in around 1992/93, I was full of hope, optimistic and believed that there was a beautiful future ahead of me, but it wasn't long after this that I started spending time in the hospital bed. I was in and out of the hospital continuously for about two years and had to stop schooling because it had become clear that the hospital could not help me and I'd always be sick. We had to look for other forms of treatment. I was taken to so many places in search of healing. First I was taken to ‘spiritual churches', to the mallams and then to the juju men and women and any other person who claimed to have power. I was finally dropped at one juju man's house and there I stayed for a while. After spending some time there, God revealed Himself to me and showed me where I had been living all this time was a satanic place. I became afraid and moved out the next morning and I never returned to that place. I decided to look for God. I went to many churches only to find out that they were not different from where I was coming from. So I joined a group where I learned about astral projection. Not satisfied I joined a different group. In this group I learned how to communicate with spiritual powers. In all the years that I was practicing all these things, I still had the sickness in me. I could not heal myself and could not find a place or a power that could do it for me. One day I got an invitation to join EICC and I accepted. At first I sat at the back to see if I was in the right place. I was quietly sitting at the back one Sunday when during the sermon the preacher Ma Haggaie said ‘you at the back Satan is looking for you; you’d better move to the front'. We all turned to look at each other since I was not alone at the back that day. These words kept ringing in my ears, so I moved to the middle the next Sunday. As I start to understand the teachings, I decided to act on them. I started by removing the things that I had from the juju men because at that time I still had some of the things with me; some books, pictures, rings and other stuff. I destroyed all of them so I would be able to follow Christ. I also started to change my character by moving away from friends and places that made it easy for me to drink alcohol and womanize. It wasn't long after this that I started feeling some peace around me. I also started following the instructions of my pastors. I was given a simple prophecy on what to do to get the healing that I had been looking for. I did as I was told and to the glory of God I have my healing. Opportunities that I had missed before started coming my way. Now I live a very happy life, glad to be in Christ and to be part of the EICC family.