The Prophets Surrendered

The prophets had surrendered their lives and will to God so they prophesied with one voice and moved in one accord. 2 Kings 2 If Saul had understood what God was trying to do with him he would have realised that surrendering to Gods will was vital for his kingdom to stand! Remember that the Bible tells us that Saul passed the company of the prophets and as they prophesied he also prophesied and was filled with the Holy Spirit! 1 Sam 10:6-7 Why then did he continue to disobey God if he had been changed?

Simple….because even when God transforms our lives it is still our duty to willingly listen and obey His word. Every one of us have our own kingdom. We may not sit on a throne but we have our lives and the lives of others in our hands. We make important decisions on a daily basis and try to establish things just like a King! If we can willingly accept the Lord’s direction for us to walk in DISCIPLINE and ORDER this year we open the opportunity for the Holy Spirit to make us one with each other and with Him! Then we shall sing as one, work as one, love as one, be instructed as one and touch the lives of others as one!!! If only Saul understood the gift of DISCIPLINE and ORDER, his kingdom would have still been standing today!! Do you want your kingdom to stand like David’s??? Then open your heart and surrender to God’s loving-kindness, HIS WORD!!! DISCIPLINE and ORDER!

At His Service.


Adam Ran In Fear


Hagar And Ishmael Were Gentiles