Adam Ran In Fear

But for rebuke, Adam ran in fear from His Father as God walked towards Him in the cool of the day. Genesis 3:8 But by the work of the Son on the cross many sons and daughters of His legacy now perceive…rebuke…from Gods standpoint.

Rebuke is the Love Signals the guardian Holy Spirit hints us on because we all…you and me…Yes, all men…Have a Blind Side! Man fell and became blind-sighted on certain sides…so Love says…I WILL NEVER LEAVE NOR FORSAKE YOU…If our Father in Heaven truly loves and cares for us, then Aaaahhh He cannot go silent when I am about to slip off that steep cliff, I cannot realise it see….because of my Blind Side. Come on my guardian Holy Spirit let off in huge measures those hints and signals of Love…(termed as REBUKE)…for all I have in the heavens is YOU. You are my daily bread…your very presence, living in me…and I am indeed lost without YOU!!!! Gentiles are lured with God’s wisdom to open up so they can receive. Meditate on it…you cannot reject it. It will slip into you, this Holy Spirit enhancer. Then your writing will have the salt with it!!

At His Service.


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