There Is A Difference Between What We Need…

There is a difference between what we need and what we want. As James 4:3 When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. God who created us knows what we need even before we know it but He sometimes gives us what we want so we realise that it is not what we really need. It is when we get to this position that God can really work in our lives because we are at the point where we begin to seek His will over ours.

An example is when a child wants to taste a plug. We know as parents that it is not good for the child and we’ll warn the child and get apprehensive when they keep going towards it. This is exactly how God feels when we go after things which are not good for us. Sometimes it is a particular relationship we want or a particular life we want but God can see it is no good but we insist on having it. The reason why we must be of the above is because we are able to see clearly into situations when we stand on the outside. Remember a friend or family member who you can see is in a relationship or situation that is no good.You warn them because you can see from the outside that it is no good but because they are on the inside they cannot see the matter as you see it.

This is why God insists that we always remain with Him, our minds, hearts, lives in Him by reading the word, fellowshiping, worshiping and remaining in obedience. This helps us to look at our lives and decisions from Christs point of view so that we do not keep having ‘car accidents’ in life. Meaning we do not keep making the same mistakes, hearts being broken again, lives being used again or making horrible mistakes that cost our future.

At His Service.


Heaven Is A Beautiful Kingdom


Adam Ran In Fear